Beverly Hills Church Preschool has a handful of remarkable elements that make it stand out as a wonderful place to begin your child’s education. First, the teaching approach emphasizes curiosity and research, empowering children to ask questions and look for answers— a lifelong skill no worksheet or coloring book can impart. Second, teachers foster social-emotional development, providing guidance that offers children ways to resolve conflict and form friendships without being constantly told there is one right way to feel about or do things. Third, art is integrated into all aspects of the program, with kids introduced to beautiful materials like porcelain modeling clay, high-quality watercolors and pastels, etc.— signaling that their creativity is important and valuable. Fourth, the nature-inspired playground is a daily romp in a forest-like environment, truly a one-of-a-kind outdoor space. And finally, the co-op parent participation in the classroom builds a special school-wide community bond—rare to find in our busy lives these days— that helps kids form friendships with adults beyond their families, and will very likely help you develop skills that make you a better parent long after your child has graduated!
BHCP Parent, 2022-24
My 4 year old son has attended BHCP for the past year and we look forward to his younger brother joining in the youngest class this upcoming school year. I cannot speak more highly of his experience and our family’s experience over this past year. He has become much more independent, confident and flexible since joining BHCP. He is fully immersed in nature every day and we see him excited to learn and grow from both his peers and his loving teachers in a Reggio-Emilia inspired setting. As a progressive educator, I have been overjoyed with the experiences with open-ended materials my son gets to explore in a cooperative and collaborative environment. He comes home each day bursting with new information about his explorations, stories about interactions with his peers and excitement to share which child got to be the “Co-Op Kid” that day. The community at BHCP is warm, inclusive and supportive and we love being part of it.
Current BHCP Parent
Our son joined Beverley Hills Church Preschool with a natural curiosity and eagerness to engage with the world around him. We could not have found a better place for him to blossom! After 2 years at BHCP, he’s grown into a self confident and incredibly capable child who loves to learn, play, problem solve and express himself. We attribute this to the staff’s daily dedication and reinforcement of positive behaviors and self expression. I can’t say enough about the knowledge and use of the Reggio Emilia Approach, particularly emphasizing the Image of the child. I could not have been more impressed by the quality of the materials available to the children, the incredible outdoor play space and lastly the caliber of the projects that were brought home regularly. The team at BHCP are loving, thoughtful, creative and have been instrumental in nurturing our son’s development. It is rare to observe staff who consistently demonstrate a deep respect for each child’s unique perspective and interests. BHCP is a gem of a community that is unmatched. The friends we’ve made here are lifelong friends and we cherish our time at this lovely preschool.
BHCP Parent 2022-24
Beverley Hills Church Preschool is an incredibly special place for young children to learn and grow. In our five years at this cooperative preschool, we observed the following benefits:
Parents are partners in the classroom. We played an active role in our children’s learning, and it helped us build a wonderful community of friends for our growing family. We also observed, brought home, and adopted expert techniques for guiding small children.
We love its Reggio-Emilia philosophy and emergent curriculum: The teachers follow the children’s curiosity and then build developmentally appropriate environments for further exploration. To this end, the classrooms are beautifully and thoughtfully curated—calming and inviting in the best ways.
BHCP’s teachers are deeply caring individuals who work hard to help children be seen and heard as whole people, while also giving them tools to grow in their independence.
The school’s large, natural playground is a rare gem. Children delight in stomping in mud puddles, pumping water, climbing up rocks, and finding little nooks of nature.
We will always cherish the time we had at BHCP.
BHCP Parent, 2018 – 2024
Beverley Hills was our son’s first experience under the care of someone other than family or close friends. We were a little wary of his reaction, but it turned out our worries were completely unfounded. His teachers were amazing; they nurtured the kids and took excellent care of them, while still being firm and teaching boundaries. They were the perfect introduction to a school environment!
Not only did our son enjoy his experience, but his parents did as well. The co-op model, while seemingly daunting at first, allowed me to get to know the kids and teachers very well, and understand what a normal school day was like. It was a joy to see the kids’ imaginations run wild as they played in the one-of-a-kind outdoor space, and to observe the teachers encouraging exploration and questions in the classroom. The friendly environment outside of school hours also allowed me to get to know nearly every parent, even those with children in different classes.
His third and final year at BHCP will be bittersweet. We will miss the teachers and families, but know that he will be prepared and ready for kindergarten. I’m grateful that he was able to attend a preschool like BHCP that focuses on inquiry, outdoor exploration, and hands-on learning.
Current BHCP Parent